*******FS2004 Custom Paint Scheme for the EagleSoft Cessna Citation X******** By Dan Walloch

All files inclosed in this .zip file are and must remain free of charge to all.

Thanks goes out to EagleSoft for the excellent paint kit and Citation X, one of the most admired Biz Jets in the world.

You will notice that there are 4 folders that contain the same texture, this is done to provide easy in figuring out what LOD model you would like to adhear this texture to.

Place the texture(s) into your Citation X texture folder, overwritting the file thats in there. (Back up files from the citation X's texture folder if you wish to revert back to the other texture. Then make the change in the aircraft.cfg, under the LOD model that you've chosen, to the "ui_variation=" to read this: ui_variation=Blue Spiked Tail
